In Memoriam Isao Kise (Kaicho)

Kaicho and I met in 1984 and became good friends, since he was only a year younger than me, we had a lot in common.  He would call me his American Tomodachi and I would call him my Okinawan Tomodachi but always referred to him as Kaicho.  He did not speak much English back then.

We had many good times together.  He would always tell me to call him after I was done with Master Kise (at night hours) and he would then surely send a Takushi or a Tomodachi to pick me up and deliver me to wherever he was.  He usually was accompanied by a friend, high school classmates or a few of his students.  Some of the most entertainment that I experienced was with Kaicho.  He always provided a good time.

He was very gifted with the ability to perform his karate with authority, no matter what aspect of it.  He would train for hours in front of that cracked mirror at the Hombu dojo.  He was good !

No one can take away the wonderful times that he has provided for all of us. 

Kaicho, Rest In Peace … I will never forget you. – Shihan Greg Lazarus

Rest In Peace Kaicho

1 thought on “In Memoriam Isao (Kaicho) Kise

  1. James Fulton

    I met him at Master Kise birthday party in Terrell, Tx.
    My Band Pkayed, I too was trained and Tested for my Shodan & Nidan by Master Kise, & Isao Kise (Kaicho) flew in also. I have pictures I will post of birthday party..
    It was a true Honor to met both at the same time..
    Prayers for the family and friends πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ


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