International Shorinryu Matsumura Seito Karate-do Federation
Guidelines and Procedures
  1. Objective
    The purpose of International Shorinryu Matsumura Seito Karate-do Federation (“ISMSKF”) is to preserve the Okinawan Shorinryu Matsumura Seito Karate-do system and maintain the system as taught by Master Hohan Soken and Master Fusei Kise.
    The ISMSKF is not asking anybody, nor any member, to change what they were originally taught or instructed. However, we are more than happy to offer what we have been taught and instructed by Master Fusei Kise.
  2. ISMSKF Board
    All decisions for amendments to the ISMSKF will be considered and voted on by the ISMSKF Board of Directors.
  3. Voting
    1) A majority +1 of the Board of Directors is needed for any changes.
    2) Executive Directors hold veto power.
    3) A veto from one Executive Director can be overridden only by unanimous consensus from all other directors.
    4) Veto by two Executive Directors cannot be overridden.
  4. Executive Directors (2)
    Shihan Greg Lazarus
    Shihan Jay Gravelle
  5. Senior Directors (up to 2 per country)
    1) Senior Directors may be assigned by the Executive Directors for each country.
    2) Senior Directors have veto power concerning issues within their country.
    3) Their official title is “Senior Director for (country)”. This senior title is authority for their country only and is equal to a vote on the Board of Directors.
  6. Board of Directors
    1) All active Rokudan and above are eligible to be on the Board of Directors.
    2) Membership on the Board of Directors is not automatic and an Executive Director must approve the person for membership on the board.
  7. Member’s Rights
    As a member of the ISMSKF you have the right to*:
    1) ISMSKF training and seminars.
    2) Train at member dojos, with their permission.
    3) Use the ISMSKF in advertising and promotional materials.
    4) Earn rank and certification awarded by ISMSKF.
    5) However additional costs may be associated with these rights and must be paid by the member.
  8. Member’s Responsibilities
    1) Preserve the Okinawan Shorinryu Matsumura Seito Karate and Kobudo system.
    2) Dojo charters are required for each ISMSKF dojo – $35 per year due the first day of each year.
    3) Monthly dues of $2.00 per student. Payment by month, semi or yearly is up to each dojo. Dojos may charge up to $1.00 per month additional dues to cover dojo costs.
  9. Accepting Members From Other Organizations
    1) Members of other organizations are welcome to join the ISMSKF at their current belt level provided they show competency and certification. This will be considered a probationary rank until all katas are ISMSKF demonstrated up to their current rank, but will receive all the respect of their rank.
  10. Annual ISMSKF Seminar
    1) The ISMSKF will rotate between dojos or an agreed site for an “ISMSKF Annual Seminar” and gathering for the benefit of promoting the exchange of information and comradery.
    2) The “ISMSKF Annual Seminar” will consist of at least two full days of intense training and a get-together dinner type function for all attendees.
    3) ISMSKF seminars are $100
  11. Rank Requirements
    1) The ISMSKF Rank Testing Requirements are the minimum requirements for ISMSKF certification.
    2) Dojos may require additional techniques for testing, but must be indicated as dojo specific requirements.
    3) Age considered for adult ranks is 16 years old.
    4) Minimum age for Shodan Jr. is 11 years old.
  12. ISMSKF Instructor License
    An ISMSKF Instructor License is not required to advance in rank*, but are offered as a way to provide proof of a Dan ranked individual’s ability to teach others. If a Dan ranked individual would like an ISMSKF Instructor License, please talk to your sensei.
  13. ISMSKF Certified Instructor Certificate
    An ISMSKF Certified Instructor Certificate is not required to advance in rank*, but are offered as a way to provide proof of a Dan ranked individual’s ability to teach others. If a 4th Dan or higher ranked individual would like an ISMSKF Certified Instructor Certificate, please talk to your sensei.
  14. Dues and Rank Testing Fees
    ISMSKF dues will continue to be $2 per month.
    Minimum testing fees must be collected.
    An additional fee above the minimum testing fee may be charged to cover additional costs.
    Dojo Owners are not allowed to “discount” the ISMSKF fees, but “scholarships” may be awarded due to financial hardships with the Executive Director’s approval.
    50% of testing fees will be sent to the Executive Director
    10% of testing fees will be maintained in a separate account for ISMSKF by the dojo owner to be used to better the dojo.
    40% of testing fees will be retained by the dojo owner for their own use.

The following ISMSKF Rank Testing Requirements are the original teachings of Master Fusei Kise, as taught to and certified by Shihan Lazarus and Shihan Gravelle.

ISMSKF Testing Fees

The following ISMSKF kyu rank testing fees are the fees Master Fusei Kise set.
The Dan rank testing fees have been reduced by the ISMSKF.

RANKKarate TestingKobudo TestingTuite Testing
9th Kyu$15.00$20.00N/AN/AN/AN/A
8th Kyu$15.00$20.00N/AN/AN/AN/A
7th Kyu$15.00$20.00N/AN/AN/AN/A
6th Kyu$20.00$25.00$20.00$25.00N/A$25.00
5th Kyu$20.00$25.00$20.00$25.00N/A$25.00
4th Kyu$20.00$25.00$20.00$25.00N/A$25.00
3rd Kyu$30.00$35.00$30.00$35.00N/A$35.00
2nd Kyu$30.00$35.00$30.00$35.00N/A$35.00
1st Kyu$30.00$35.00$30.00$35.00N/A$35.00
Sho Dan$75.00$100.00$75.00$100.00$75$100.00
Ni Dan$100.00$125.00$100.00$125.00N/A$125.00
San Dan$125.00$150.00N/A$150.00N/AN/A
Yon DanN/A$200.00N/A$200.00N/AN/A
Go DanN/A$250.00N/A$250.00N/AN/A
Roku DanN/A$300.00N/A$300.00N/AN/A
Nana DanN/A$350.00N/A$350.00N/AN/A
*Kobudo Certificates are optional at Godan and above. Tuite Certificates are optional.

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